Vanessa Feltz is shrinking again this time with
the help of Beautytek, a revolutionary new system which tones, shapes and lifts
the body as effectively as plastic surgery, without going under the knife. Television
presenter and journalist Vanessa lost more than an inch of fat in less than a
week. Speaking on Richard and Judy on Channel Four this week she
said: Its amazing, I have lost an inch from underneath my bust despite
the fact I found the three treatments so relaxing I kept falling asleep. The
shows co-host Richard Madeley described beautytek as cutting edge
even though Vanessa had in fact had only a quarter of the recommended number of
sessions required to complete the treatment. The beautytek treatment is
a non-invasive technique that combines modern technology and traditional Chinese
theories of wellbeing a radical departure from other similar sounding procedures. It
was originally designed as a method of pain relief in hospitals but patients noticed
dramatic improvements in body tone and fat reduction and the system was developed
for cosmetic use. More than 1,000 men and women in Europe have a variety of body
treatments with beautytek every day. beautytek works by supplying energy to
acupuncture points along the meridian lines of the body. As the stimulus is transferred
to each specific area with the use of a hand-held wand, a computer monitors the
bodys reaction so that the treatment is constantly adjusted to achieve energetic
equilibrium, precisely calibrated for each individual. Ann Johnson of Real-Alternative,
Cavendish Square, London, one of the first centres to offer beautytek treatments
in the UK, says: Having seen the results in clinics across Europe, this
really is a has to be seen to be believed technical achievement in
preventative health and beauty treatment. The before and after
results are excellent and cannot be fully appreciated until you see beautytek
in operation.
single beautytek session costs from £30 to £150, which means a full
course of treatment is only a fraction of the cost of a surgical procedure
and without the potentially painful recovery time or unpleasant side effects.
to editors: If youd like to follow in Vanessas footsteps and have
your own beautytek trial, please contact the beautytek press office. For more
information, additional photography or to arrange a demonstration contact: Real-Alternative 17
Cavendish Square London W1G 0PH Tel: 020 7665 1838 Mobile: 07802 307097 Email:
wellbeing@real-alternative.com www.real-alternative.com 4th October 2002
Ultimate Experience in Wellbeing
wellbeing@real-alternative.com 020 7665 1838 |